Raging Determination and Drive
The successful fundraiser believes that patience is not necessarily a virtue. They pull up the roots to see if the flowers are still growing. They are seldom satisfied with progres
Getting “Yes”
The successful fundraiser has a way of getting “yes” for an answer— at times even before the question is asked. It’s the vision and the passion, that’s what motivates the
Sage Advice during Confusing Times
Dr. John Edmond Haggai, founder of Haggai International, publishes a newsletter to friends and donors. It is an excellent read. Dr. Haggai’s own motto is “Attempt something so
It’s Common Sense
To be a great fundraiser, it is essential you have common sense.
Long Tenure in a Position Pays Off
The great fundraisers I interviewed and all those I know who are successful— do not jump from job to job. They stay at their institution.
Hand-Written Notes Are a Rare Commodity
Recently, I stopped by FedEx to pick up a Pak to send some items to Olivia and Grant my 15 and 11 year old grandkids. As I was stopped in traffic, several memories and ideas helped
By stewardship, I mean relating donors directly to the impact of their philanthropy.
Luck Favors the Prepared Mind
Jeffrey Blum wrote a fascinating book, “How to Get Lucky.” He points out that luck can be made to happen. As Louis Pasteur said, “Luck favors the prepared mind.”
Tip o’ the Morning
Hand Written Notes Are a Rare CommodityThey’re Also More Important Than Ever… John Coleman….Harvard Business Review
Gift Receipts
Receipts for a gift must be sent from the organization to the donor within 24 hours.