Build Your Email Database
You’re falling behind if you don’t have e-mail addresses for at least 60 percent of your database.
Give a Bonus for Having a Good Year? Or Not?
The answer is incentive pay— pays!
Attrition & the Stewardship Inventory
What is a typical attrition rate among smaller and first-time donors? It can be as much as fifty to sixty percent who lapse every year. For many organizations, it is often on the h
It Should Fit on a T-Shirt
I’m often asked this question. What’s the difference between a Mission Statement and a Vision Statement? James J. Mapes puts it succinctly and brilliantly.
If You Think You Can’t, You’re Right
Do not ask, “Can we do this?” Rather, ask, “How can we do it?”
Get Cell Phone Numbers
Are you having trouble getting through to your key contacts? Are you being stopped by the “gate keeper” or the answering machine at home?
The 4 Magic Questions
In our profession, you learn to take rejection in stride. You understand that a series of NOs only means that you are part way toward a YES.
Send Him on a Cruise
On the basis of my experience, I feel that an organization’s former CEO should not continue to serve on the Board— except in very rare cases and, at most, for a very short time
Fundraising 101: Volunteer Giving
In a study conducted for the Denver Foundation, it was found that among those who give to charity, 61 percent also indicate that they volunteer.
Cast Your Net for Bequests
Here’s news that may surprise you.