This I Believe
Dear Colleague: I am going to send you something I wrote nearly ten years ago. I have revised it six times.
Random Acts of Kindness
Robert Dilenschneider is one of the brightest and most creative public relations professionals in the field today. His firm is premier in the country.
The BOY Rule
I really believe in the BOY Rule. Because Of You.
A Dozen “Will-Nevers”
There’s a fellow named Seth Godin. I’m not certain how I started getting messages from his blog. I don’t even know what the fellow does for a living. (Shouldn’t that be the
Importance of the CEO
Everyone should have a Ron Werft!
Attrition Is Your Enemy
What is a typical attrition rate among smaller and first-time donors? It can be as much as twenty to forty percent who lapse every year. For many organizations, it is o
Just Keep Giving
I first came across this little poem 30 years ago. Maybe even longer than that.
Disturb the Comfortable
Ask anyone in San Diego.