Tell Them How Their Gift Makes a Difference
Keep in mind that it’s not about fundraising. And it’s not about money. It’s about changing lives and saving lives. Your job is to let people know how their gift can help tou
Keep It Simple
Keep your request simple. If there are too many things for a donor to consider, they can’t remember anything, can’t differentiate the important from the less important, can’t
Feeling Your Passion
It’s essential that you are passionate about your organization and its work. Donors can feel it and sense it. If you aren’t totally committed, you are either at the wrong organ
Your Attitude Is Your Choice
If you say it can’t be done, you are right. If you say it can be done, you are also right. The choice is yours. You must have a can-do attitude.
Making People Feel
There’s a beautiful saying from Maya Angelou: “A person will soon forget what you said, and people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel
The Ripple Effect
When you throw a pebble into a pond, it causes a ripple effect. It causes small waves that keep expanding outward, ever expanding. It all begins with the pebble.
Saving and Changing Lives
It’s not about money. And it’s not about your organization. It’s all about the people you serve, the lives you touch. It’s about saving lives and changing l
Endowing the Gift
Here’s an idea you will want to be certain to pursue. Increasingly, I’m finding donors who are willing to endow their annual gift. But they need to be asked.
How to Say Thanks
Richard Grant is Director of the Dan Murphy Foundation (Los Angeles). He tells me he can’t recall ever receiving a thank-you letter from an organization that his Foundation felt
Change Is the Song You Sing
Donors do not want to give to the same old same old.