High Degree of Self-Confidence
All of the great fundraisers have a high degree of self-confidence. They are as assured, as the saying goes, as a Methodist with four aces. When they pray for rain— they are so c
There Are Soaring Spiritual Values
Somewhere in the background of the great fundraisers, in their early childhoods, there was a value system. Every single one spoke to me about this.
It Takes Rigorous Discipline
For the great fundraisers, there is a huge reservoir of will, drive, and determination. Most of all, there is discipline. Meticulous attention to details is the discipline floss to
The Hymn of Major Gifts
This Is Important. Please Note. You’ve heard me preach about the importance of major gifts. It’s the Hymn I sing. When the firm began, we found that 80% of the money raised in
The Law of Minor Concessions
When you move from one home to another, they say that three moves are equal to one complete fire. I can identify with that. Are you a little bit like I am? We still have unopened b
Fundraising Can Be Like Whitewater Rafting
At times, things can get difficult. When the pressure is really on, the challenges outnumber the solutions, and you feel it couldn’t get worse— I have an answer. Being a fundra