Tin Man Society
You may recall. Several times in the past, I’ve suggested you think of a name other than “Legacy Society” or “Heritage Society” for the men and women who indicate they have left your organization in their estate plans or made a planned gift.
Everyone has a Legacy Society— The Senior Center, The Center for the Homeless, The Animal Rescue League, and dozens of others in your community. I like the idea of having something different and specific to your organization.
The other day, I was with the folks at the Oklahoma Methodist Manor. The name of their group is The Tin Man Society. I like the name. Let me explain how they came up with it. It’s from the book.
In their description, this is what they write:
“After the long journey down the yellow brick road, the Tin Man finally got to meet the Wizard of Oz and present his request for a heart.
“’Back where I come from,’ the Wizard mused, ‘there are those who do nothing all day but good deeds. They are called . . . philanthropists . . . and their hearts are no bigger than yours. But they have one thing that you haven’t got— a testimonial.’
“The Wizard awarded the Tin Man a testimonial to match his big heart! You, too, have a big heart and you can make a testimonial to the good works of Oklahoma Methodist Manor.
“The documents that outline the distribution of your assets after your death can be a testimony to your belief in the charities you have supported during your lifetime. What better legacy than a bequest to Oklahoma Methodist Manor whose mission is to care for seniors in the spirit of Christian love.
“From your good heart our Mission will endure.”
You may not like the name Tin Man— but you get the idea. Come up with something memorable and specific to you.