Keep Pushing the Rock
To an over-flowing crowd in the University’s dining room, the President had just finished commemorating a huge victory. He was celebrating a highly successful capital campaign— 80% over goal. He spoke in glowing terms about the Vice President for Advancement. He gave tribute to the entire Advancement team, but praised the Vice President profusely.
After the meeting, the beaming Vice President asked the President, “Would you still like me as much if we had not met our goal?”
“I’d like you every bit as much,” the President replied. “I’d just miss having you around.”
Ahh! Such is the life of the Chief Development Officer.
You had an immensely successful year. You surpassed your Revenue budget. The most raised in the history of the Organization. There were several bequests. No attrition on the staff.
Life is good!
Except . . . they raise your Revenue objective 15% over what you raised. And they told you to budget for three bequests in the new year.
Every Vice President feels a bit like Sisyphus. It never ends. Pushing the rock up the hill. There is no end to the challenge.
There is also no limit to the exaltation and elation. It’s living life at its fullest. What else could we possibly be doing. Working for a noble cause, serving those in need.