Robin Cabral’s 11 Questions
Robin Cabral, CFRE, is the very effective Director of Development at Holy Cross Family Ministries. I’ll tell you in a moment what she has done which I feel is extremely effective
Savory Handwritten Notes
I have a file called: GOOD STUFF.
The Six Visitors
I just received one of the most delightful messages I have ever had. It came from my dear friend, KC Chew— one of the best fundraisers in Singapore:
Recognition Counts
One of my clients, a college, publishes an Annual Report. But not an Honor Roll of donors.
The Adventurous Dream
Frank Cerutti is one of the most effective major gift fundraisers I know. He is with Prison Fellowship.
16 Questions to Prepare for the Ask
You have come to that point. You know what I mean. You’ve been there yourself.
Three ‘A’s for Your Board
You will agree. The board determines your organization’s future. The board is your destiny.
Advertisement Sketches – What Will You Design?
The Jewish Community Foundation in Los Angeles is the largest Jewish Community Foundation in the nation. And one of the largest community foundations in California of any type.
Questionnaire for Present Donors
It’s a fascinating phenomenon. When people are asked to complete a questionnaire, they become closer to the organization. And if they are already close, they become even closer.
The Founders’ Club
Groton School is one of the “Ivy” independents. They came up with something very special for their sustaining giving program.