Life Is a Smorgasbord
At a Board meeting of one of the institutions we work with, the session had just ended. Everyone was leaving. A Board member came by, handed me his business card, and told me how p
Reminder for Dreamers
Dr. Ed Huckeby is president of Southwestern Christian University (Oklahoma). He tells me that every morning, as soon as he arrives on campus, he reads this little piece he wrote.
Donor Giving Levels
The Susan B. Anthony organization is a 501 c(4). What intrigued me is the manner in which they display their benefits to investors at various giving levels.
Our Cup Is Filled to the Brim
Several years ago, we prepared a Thanksgiving message. We couldn’t possibly anticipate what happened.
The Call to Get the Appointment
Our Partner, Jay Frost, writes in his weekly Fundraising Digest: “Not long ago, I met with a terrific young fundraiser at a major university. She was having a problem with he
The Story of Farmer Fleming
This story comes to me from Jim Miller. He is Vice President of Children’s Hospital of Central California. It’s an excellent illustration for all of us in the field. Yo
A Gift of Pearls: What Would You Do?
This actually happened. The Vice President of a well-known and prestigious private university had been calling on a very wealthy widow, a major donor, for a number of years. There
A Very Special Ketubah
Perhaps you do not know what a Ketubah is. I didn’t.It is considered an integral part of a traditional Jewish marriage. It outlines the responsibilities of the groom in rel
Must I Give Again?
The other day, I came across this poem in an old file. I first discovered it thirty years ago. Feel free to use it any way you wish— a brochure, a direct mail piece, a letter to
Recognition and Praise
It was my great joy and privilege to get to know Mary Kay Ash quite well. She was chair (and a major donor) in one of our campaigns. You likely recognize her best of all as founder