I’m Simply Too Busy to Do This
It’s absolutely amazing what you don’t raise when you don’t ask. Board members cannot abdicate their responsibility for raising funds. No Money, No Mission. In every organization, it requires philanthropy to meet its mission.
Over the next few weeks we’ll be drawing on some of the top reasons Board Members and Volunteers give for not being willing to solicit—and more.
You know what is interesting. If you weren’t busy, we probably wouldn’t be going to you for your help. We find it’s busy people who really get things done.
And the people you’re calling on are busy, also. They will understand and appreciate your involvement and your willingness to make calls and contacts. This will be the first step in a favorable ask.
It’s fascinating. We find that the people who are the busiest get the most done. And are the most successful. They don’t have the time. They make the time.