What Donors Want
By Douglas Dillon, CFRE, CEO Jerold Panas, Linzy & Partners / Dean, Institute for Charitable Giving |
In my long tenure, I have conducted hundreds of feasibility studies in preparation for organizational plans for campaigns and major gift initiatives throughout North America. This represents conversations with thousands of probable donors regarding their thoughts on what motivates them to give, the rationale for determining the projects and institutions they support, and what they expect to receive in return.
As a result, I have learned significant lessons regarding our work. This industry we are dedicated to called philanthropy is a personal business. No cookie-cutter approach will do. Each of our donors is unique. Our responsibility is to determine what ignites a passion for each and every one.
I have learned a great deal on my journey. What works, what doesn’t (unfortunately, too many to mention), and why. I have created fundraising verities for my work, I review them often. My favorite is: Listeners always outraise talkers! Our job is not to convince people why they should give, but rather find out why they would consider participating in our vision for the future. The following list is not exhaustive, but here are five questions to explore with your probable donors:
• Do you remember the first gift you ever gave?
• Who taught you the importance of philanthropy?
• What led you to give (and continue to give) to our organization?
• I value your input. What are your initial thoughts regarding our priorities for this year and the future we have set forth?
• On a scale of one to ten (ten being the highest), how would you rate our organization in terms of your philanthropic priority?
As you ask these simple questions, you will be amazed by what you will learn.
I have even better news for you. As Dean of the Institute for Charitable Giving Seminar, I can assure you all of these topics I have mentioned, and much more will be explored. We have assembled the most professional and successful faculty our profession can provide.
We continue to update our agenda to reflect the changes in our industry. I want to encourage you to attend. It will enhance your position and staff in substantial ways. That is a promise we make to you.