The MAGIC of an Idea
From the book ASKING by Jerold Panas
Consider these three important questions:
1. What do your key supporters believe you do really well and should do more of?
2. If you were to receive a windfall of 5-10x your current annual revenue, what would you do with those additional resources?
3. What’s keeping you right now from truly advancing your mission – and achieving your objectives?
People don’t give because your organization has needs. Thousands of organizations have overwhelming financial problems (and opportunities). There’s a facility to be renovated, equipment to be purchased, a roof in need of repair, and additional staff for a necessary program.
But your donors run away from “needs.” They hide from the institution that isn’t financially stable. Major donors give to bold, heroic, and audacious programs rather than to needy institutions.
Keep in mind, too, that your organization doesn’t have needs. People have needs. Your organization has the answer, the solution to problems and challenges. Don’t sell needs — sell your answer, your response, your successful solutions.
What then are the most important factors in motivating a person to make a major gift? First and foremost is a belief in the mission of the institution. The person has to be closely aligned with the organization’s vision, program, and objectives. –JP