Now! Today, Not Tomorrow
Whatever you must do, or dream you can do, begin it. Do it now. Action has genius, power, and magic in it. —Goethe
Ready, fire, aim… certainly, future and strategic planning are imperative. In today’s world, there is no margin for catch-as catch-can. But let there be no allowance, no tolerance for analysis paralysis.
For leaders who seize the moment— earnestly, eagerly, persistently, creatively, and with zeal— it is those resolute men and women who realize the greatest achievement and the highest fulfillment and reward from their work.
Do it now. Wavering and vacillation lead to the street of by-and-by that reaches the house of never. These fleeting, runaway opportunities— never again to be captured. Pledge now, right now, to the commitment of TNT: Today, Not Tomorrow. That’s the essence of a rewarding and fulfilling life— TNT.
Great opportunities surround us— but escape all but the most vigilant and diligent. The genius of life and professional success is to capture the precious opportunity.
Carpe Diem— let this be the hymn you sing. Do it. Do it now. j.p.