Energy Is Contagious
Energy is considered one of the important attributes of being a great fundraiser. Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy— the 3-Es donors like to see in the people who call on them for gifts.
You will find that you have a zeal and zest for your work if you are physically and mentally vital and vibrant. You are a tuning fork ready to vibrate!
Here are 16 tips that will help ensure your energy:
- Ignore the elevator. Use the steps if it’s three stories up or four stories down.
- Quit or reduce drinking coffee or soda. Substitute water. (I have a tough time with this one !)
- Walk or bicycle to work.
- Take the furthest parking space possible at the office or when shopping.
- Exercise regularly, at least five times a week, forty minutes a day.
- Smile. It’s contagious. It affects everyone around you and makes a difference in your own attitude.
- Stop smoking. Shame on you !
- Eat sensibly and moderately. Stay away from anything white. Never nibble or eat anything while you’re standing up.
- Attend a church or synagogue of your choice. Having a strong faith energizes a person.
- Surround yourself with positive thinkers. You want to be around people who share your passion and commitment.
- Wait to worry. Take each day, one day at a time.
- Take your job seriously, but not yourself.
- Get plenty of sleep. But not too much ! Too much sleep can be debilitating.
- Set objectives for yourself. Keep raising the bar. Meet your objectives.
- Make certain you’re having fun with your work.
- Have a love affair with life.