We just completed a fascinating study for an organization. They were hemorrhaging their donors.
They asked us to take a look at their donors who did not renew. What was happening?
When we called the lapsed donors, here are the reasons they gave us for not making another gift.
32% couldn’t remember they had made a gift
27% didn’t feel the organization needed the funds
11% didn’t feel their gift made a difference
8% organization did not inform the donor how money was used
7% didn’t have the money to give this year
15% everything else
Of the top four reasons people gave for not renewing (78%), the serious attrition could have been avoided with an effective stewardship program. Simply letting people know how valuable their support and friendship is. And telling them, “we couldn’t have done it without you.”
The Stewardship program should be formalized in writing. I like preparing a manual. That seems to indicate, “we mean business.”
I tell my clients to practice the BOY Rule with their donors. Because Of You. “We couldn’t do this without you. Because of you…”