Dream. Believe. Dare. Do It.
It’s been eight years since the American Embassy asked me to come to Mexico to help coach Mexican men and women about philanthropy. I make the trip now, often twice a year. I guess I’ve spoken to four or five thousand men and women.
I can see the difference. They really get it. Philanthropy isn’t flourishing in Mexico, but it is definitely growing.
Ricardo Jiménez Hernández is one of the leading volunteers I’ve met in Mexico. He is a major force for philanthropy in the country.
On his business card he has, “sueña, cree, atrévete, hazlo”. I love it! Translated, it means: Dream, believe, dare, do it.
(For our campaign for the University of Oxford, I recommended: “Dream. Dare. Do.” for their Case Statement.)
Ricardo lives by that dictum. We should all live by it, also. Dream. Believe. Dare.
Do it.