The Lost Manuscript Review
The reviews and comments about my latest book, THE LOST MANUSCRIPT, have been pouring in. Many kudos.
But here’s one I particularly liked. It comes from Mark Hindle, Australia’s leading fundraising consultant.
Today is an exciting day.

I opened my front door to a friendly courier who had me sign for a package. It was delivery of my copy of “The Lost Manuscript, Wit and Wisdom of Si Seymour. Observations and comments by Jerold Panas”
Many of us (well, those of a certain age anyway) in the profession have read Harold J. Seymour’s “Designs for Fund-Raisings” many times and I dare say still refer to it for inspiration or clarification.
THE LOST MANUSCRIPT is a remarkable book. How Jerry came upon the manuscript is a fascinating story.
I particularly enjoyed Jerry’s writing about sitting at the feet of Seymour.
I laughed at his references to ‘mimeograph’ (Seymour) and ‘typewriter’ (Panas) and wonder as I prepare this post on my laptop what future generations will use.
Oh yes, he goes to great lengths to explain his choice among ‘fund-raising’, ‘fundraising’ and ‘fund raising’. I sit with Jerry’s preference for one word, ‘fundraising’.
I am thrilled to have the book in my library and commend it to all fundraising professionals; young and not so.
You can read the full review here.
Please forgive the unabashedly immodest plug for my book. THE LOST MANUSCRIPT is indeed magic. Full book description
If you would like to have a copy, you can order your copy here. The cost is $59.00. I told the office that for all who order by August 31, we won’t charge for shipping.