Advertisement Sketches – What Will You Design?
The Jewish Community Foundation in Los Angeles is the largest Jewish Community Foundation in the nation. And one of the largest community foundations in California of any type.
Once a week, it advertises in The Wall Street Journal. You can see how they celebrate the giving of The Sinder family. The reason they use the camera in the sketch is that the family has made its money in producing documentary films.
Each week it’s a different sketch that’s appropriate for commemorating a family that has made a large gift.
It reminded me of something we did some years ago in two campaigns of ours. It may be an idea you might want to capture.
Both campaigns I refer to were in cities that had special editions of The Wall Street Journal. Each week, we featured a person who had been enlisted and accepted leadership in the campaign.
We did a sketch that was very close to the style The Wall Street Journal uses. In both cases, the ads garnered amazing visibility to the organization and the leader’s peers. For campaign purposes, the people who read the Journal are those we are most eager to involve in the campaign. Click on ad to enlarge (PDF)