Institute for Charitable Giving

Boldness Has Genius, Power and Magic to It

The courage to dare, to step out—that’s what wins the contest and gets the gift. The great fundraisers are infused with boldness and courage. An awesome audacity.

There must be the willingness to brave the unexplored—and to attempt the unthinkable. The challenge!

 The great ones in this business thrive on it. It is the one button to push to get them started, and running. They have three speeds: Fast, Faster, Still Faster.

There is a glowing, glorious statement about courage in Theodore Roosevelt’s The Men In The Arena. He says: “The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again—because there is not effort without error.

“At best, he knows in the end the triumphs of high achievement. And at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly. His place shall never be with those whose cold and timid souls know neither victory nor defeat.”


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