You Make It Happen
There are over 30 million men and women in this country who serve on the board of a nonprofit. Just like you.
You join a dedicated legion, on a shared journey, engaged in noble and heroic causes that touch lives in a very special way. Because of your service, you play a significant role in changing lives and saving lives.
What could possibly be more rewarding? More exciting?
Trustee is an excellent word for a board member. That’s because you are charged with keeping in trust the fate and fortune of your organization. You are the future. You are the organization’s destiny.
Trusteeship implies a public faith in you as a guardian. Someone in whose care the welfare and growth of the organization is entrusted. That’s an awesome responsibility.
It’s fulfilling. Glorious. Exhilarating. You’re a trustee. You make it happen, winning battles of consequence and achievement through your service.
You are unwilling to settle for less than the very best and the highest quality in all the organization does. You join other trustees in the same demanding test. You keep raising the bar for the organization.
You give your time and talent. And yes, your treasure. You give your heart and soul to your trusteeship and the organization. In your own special way, you are changing a corner of the world. You make it happen.