You Will Become Addicted
This is going to take some discipline.
Before you leave the office, or in your hotel room on a visit, or before bedtime at home, write in your Journal. I find that some of the most effective in the field keep a Journal. It’s partly personal. Partly professional.
It doesn’t take more than ten or fifteen minutes to summarize your activities and accomplishments. Your visits, calls, and special contacts. You indicate the results and what follow-up actions are required.
Add to that some of the personal experiences you have had during the day. Or add a poem or a quotation you will want to use in the future, or a restaurant you will want to revisit.
The idea came to me from Paul Schneiter. He’s the former editor and publisher of Planned Gifts Counselor. I started keeping a journal several months ago. I find it invaluable. Some nights I’m too tired to write. But I write! Several weeks may pass but I find I go back to the Journal to retrace some of my steps and check on results.
Here’s a tip. Start with a fairly expensive Journal. That way when you start, you’ll keep going. Also, pick a Journal that is not too heavy. You may be traveling with it.
Try it for a month. Go ahead, try it! You will become an addict.